Gold or Bitcoin: Which one is the libertarian choice against fiat money

Since bitcoin became ubiquitous in libertarian circles over the past year or two, the question has now become: what is the best alternative to government-issued fiat money? Gold and silver or bitcoin and litecoin? The answer depends on who one speaks with. One libertarian will say … [Read more...]

CIEO requests public forum to discuss bitcoin security

With the insolvency declaration made by Mt. Gox, one of the world's largest bitcoin exchange platforms, many are now talking about the security behind the bitcoin protocol and proper development needed to enhance exchanges’ storage technology in the future. Proponents often discuss … [Read more...]

Apple Inc. (AAPL) perpetuates and capitalizes on rise of tablets

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is both one of the leading architects and main beneficiaries of the advance of tablet computers visible today. With introduction of the much-prized iPad, the Cupertino, California company gave a heavy blow to the traditional desktop, whether running … [Read more...]

Apple Inc. (AAPL) extends retail iPhone trade-ins to France

The latest phase of Apple Inc.'s (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone recycling program kicks off today in France, following closely on its introduction in the United States (August 2013), the United Kingdom, and Germany. Though this is not the only way that an iPhone can be recycled, it adds another … [Read more...]

Report: Facebook is bad for your health physically and financially

A new study released by the University of Pittsburgh and Columbia Business School shows that Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) users can get a boost in self-esteem when focused on feedback from close friends and family. On the other hand, Facebook may also decrease your ability for … [Read more...]

Google and Samsung double team Microsoft to prevent acquisition of Nokia

Recently, Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) and Samsung have expressed their apprehension, to China's Ministry of Commerce, about Microsoft's upcoming $7.5 billion acquisition of Nokia. Both companies conveyed their concerns stating that the purchase could give Microsoft excessive control … [Read more...]

Can bitcoin and other competing currencies coexist

The concept of competing currencies has been the topic of fierce debate for decades. Over the years, two of the most prolific economists, Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman, discussed the matter repeatedly. Hayek, an Austrian economist, supported the idea, while Friedman, a Chicago … [Read more...]

London Telegraph says bitcoin helps child pornographers

There have been many claims made against bitcoin in the past year. One claim is that the virtual currency is primarily used for criminal transactions and illicit deals. Another claim is that it’s meant to evade paying taxes. There are numerous claims, mostly negative, regularly made … [Read more...]

Shareholder meeting shows how Apple Inc. (AAPL) uses secrecy as a selling tool

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is famous for keeping very close guard over information about upcoming products, and a joke from Tim Cook at today's shareholder meeting reveals just how effective that strategy is at building excitement over the brand, and thus demand for its products. Mr. … [Read more...]

Apple Inc. (AAPL) promotion fuels rumors that new Apple TV release is imminent

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is notoriously stingy when it comes to discounts and promotions, preferring to keep its products at full price year-round. Today's announcement that a $25 iTunes gift card is being offered with any Apple TV purchase, through March 5, 2014, has stirred rumors … [Read more...]

eMarketer predicts dire U.S. growth for Twitter

If only Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) could return to its days of double-digit growth. Unfortunately, that does not seem likely for the micro-blogging service. Research firm eMarketer put their research behind their forecast, possibly giving Twitter's CEO Dick Costolo shudders. … [Read more...]

Google introduces Google Maps Gallery displaying historical information

Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) is used by millions of individuals to help them with directions, in addition to viewing sites you wouldn't normally have the opportunity to see. Now, Google has partnered with governments and informative organizations to offer Google Maps … [Read more...]

Apple Inc.’s struggle with “patent trolls” highlight strengths and weaknesses of current patent system

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is a favorite target of so-called "patent trolls," also known as "non-practicing entities" or NPEs and "patent assertion entities" or PAEs. According to a study published on CNN Money, the Cupertino electronics giant is the fourth most frequent target for … [Read more...]

Ukraine protesters utilize bitcoin to help fund revolution

During the Arab Spring a couple of years ago, Twitter was one of the primary newsmakers because demonstrators had utilized the social network to commence protests, inform the world on its domestic strife and publish photographs and videos of violent incidents. It was an important tool … [Read more...]

Vietnam officially bans all bitcoin transactions

We are receiving conflicting reports regarding the status of bitcoin in Vietnam. See update at bottom of this article. It was a strange week for bitcoin: Mt. Gox declared bankruptcy, bitcoin prices stabilized and one United States Senator called for a complete ban on bitcoin. On … [Read more...]

Apple Inc. files patent application for scratch-defeating self-healing coating

Owners of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) devices such as iPhones and iPods have struggled against scratches on the screen since the products were introduced, and today, an Apple Inc. patent application meant to address this issue was published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The … [Read more...]

Facebook and Twitter fight to cash in on TV advertising

As it stands, Facebook Inc., (NASDAQ:FB) is not satisfied with taking over the mobile and wireless world, it seems they want to be at the forefront of all media, and that includes earning a piece of TV advertising spend. David Lawenda, Facebook's head of U.S. advertising sales shared, … [Read more...]

Facebook ends support for Windows Messenger just after announcing the end of email service

Despite 5-star reviews and a million users, Facebook Inc., (NASDAQ:FB) has decided to end support of Facebook Messenger for Windows. In a message sent to users, Facebook asserted, "We’re sorry, but we can no longer support Facebook Messenger for Windows, and it will stop working on … [Read more...]

Outspoken NFL star Richard Sherman accepting bitcoin

There aren't too many professional athletes that are accepting bitcoin as a method of payment. One international celebrity is, though, and that could lead to other sporting stars to follow suit and do the same. Richard Sherman, Seattle Seahawks cornerback and YouTube sensation, … [Read more...]

Mt. Gox is not bitcoin: mainstream media outlets call Armageddon for bitcoin

If anyone outside of the bitcoin community would have listened to various mainstream media outlets this week, one would think that the virtual currency market has imploded, investors have lost their entire net wealth a la 1929’s Black Tuesday and critics have been proven correct. This … [Read more...]