Robert Shiller thinks bond, housing and stock markets may be in a bubble

Over the past several months, many leading economists and financial experts – even Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen – have concurred that there are various elements of the economy that are in a bubble or on the cusp of entering into the bubble phase. Some point to real estate while … [Read more...]

Robert Shiller says investors should buy stocks, others warn market is in a bubble

Since the economic downturn and the beginning of the Great Recession, the United States stock market has somewhat rebounded primarily due to monthly stimulus courtesy of the Federal Reserve. Whatever the reason is for the increase in stock prices, one economist is urging investors to … [Read more...]

Robert Shiller: “It is a bubble, there is no question about it. It’s just an amazing example of a bubble,”

To bitcoiners (BTC): be aware that not everyone in the financial establishment is jumping on the bandwagon that the cryptocurrency is a revolutionary currency or electronic payment system, including Nobel Laureate and Keynesian economist Robert Shiller, who argues bitcoin is an … [Read more...]