Apple Inc. (AAPL) tries to retroactively patent major Android feature

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) may suffer from the attacks of patent trolls, but it is apparently not entirely immune from the urge to do some trolling of its own, according to a patent application it filed in 2012. This application seeks to patent a gesture-based unlocking system, in which … [Read more...]

Apple Inc.’s struggle with “patent trolls” highlight strengths and weaknesses of current patent system

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is a favorite target of so-called "patent trolls," also known as "non-practicing entities" or NPEs and "patent assertion entities" or PAEs. According to a study published on CNN Money, the Cupertino electronics giant is the fourth most frequent target for … [Read more...]

Patent trolls watch out – Apple and Google join forces to make you think twice

Apple Inc. (AAPL) and Google (GOOG) are today heading a group of 15 companies which have formed a rather unlikely alliance to call on the United States Supreme Court for a strong shift in litigation rules. The highly litigious companies, which frequently level charges of patent … [Read more...]