German government turning to typewriter for protection from NSA

It’s likely that anyone born in the 1980s has probably never used a typewriter before. Prior to personal computers and word processing programs, the typewriter was the device to use for any type of writing task, though there are still remote parts of the world that use the typewriter. … [Read more...]

Study: Majority of Americans did not change passwords amid Heartbleed bug

Businesses and government agencies are still working to contain the immense Heartbleed computer bug, an OpenSSL security flaw that infected computers all over the world. Despite most technology experts and computer firms urging people to change their passwords, there are still a large … [Read more...]

Reddit CEO: ‘Crazy libertarians’ giving bitcoin a bad name, NSA may support it

It appears if you’re a libertarian who wants an alternative to the United States dollar and oppose central banks then you’re "crazy," at least according to Yishan Wong, CEO of the popular social network Reddit. Posting comments on Quora on Thursday afternoon in regards to dogecoin, … [Read more...]