Another Round of Quantitative Easing May be Realized

Fed Chair Janet Yellen shied away from typical central banking topics, like inflation and interest rates, to talk about income inequality and economic opportunity at a conference Thursday sponsored by the Boston Fed. Yellen purported that the rising trend of inequality is drifting … [Read more...]

Janet Yellen confirms she won’t raise interest rates

Since former Federal Reserve Chairs Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke imposed artificially record-low interest rates, many investors have sought out riskier investments for greater rates of return. This has led numerous financial analysts and banking officials to call out bubbles in … [Read more...]

Federal Reserve Bank President Narayana Kocherlakota is interested in bitcoin technology

Officials at the Federal Reserve haven’t necessarily been jumping for joy when the topic of bitcoin is brought up. Instead, most experts at the United States central bank usually dismiss the digital currency as nothing more than a flash in the pan and something for criminals. Not for … [Read more...]

Peter Schiff: Fed’s QE creating massive stock, real estate bubbles for 1%

It has long been argued since the beginning of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing program that bubbles are being formed and once they burst then the United States economy would be in worse shape than at the height of the Great Recession. Peter Schiff, president of Euro … [Read more...]