First Bexley Bank in Ohio Offering 2.00% APY on 5-Year CDs

First Bexly Bank in Ohio is offering 2%APY on 5-year CDs with a minimum deposit requirement of $500. This betters the best nationally available 5-year CDs by one tenth of a percentage point. All you have to do is buy the CD at the bank in person. … [Read more...]

First Bexley Bank Paying 3% APY on 60 Month CD

First Bexley Bank, Ohio, is offering 3.00% APY on 60 month CDs. This is with a minimum deposit of $500. To avail this rate, you should have a checking account with the bank. If you don’t have one, you will need to open one with the bank, with a minimum balance of $100. Otherwise, … [Read more...]