Ascencia Offering an APY of 0.80% on 6-Month CDs

The online division of Louisville's PBI bank, Ascencia is offering an APY of 0.80% on its 6-month CDs, with a minimum deposit requirement of $500. With this rate, Ascencia has become one of the leading banks offering the highest APY on CDs for this term. Other banks that are also … [Read more...]

Ascencia Pays 0.90% APY For 6-Month CDs

Ascencia , the online division of PBI Bank in Louisville, pays 0.90% APY for 6-month CDs with a minimum deposit of $500. There are three other banks which pay 0.80% APY for 6-month CDs. They are Colorado Federal Savings Bank ($5,000 minimum deposit), EH National Bank ($10,000 … [Read more...]

Ascencia Offering 0.81% APY on 6 Month CDs

Ascencia is paying 0.81% APY on a 6 month CD. To avail the rate, customers have to make a minimum deposit of $500. Ascencia is the online division of PBI Bank. Based in Louisville, Kentucky, the bank is paying the rate as a result of a rate hike that took place last month. … [Read more...]

Ascencia Paying 1.07% APY on 6 Month CDs

Ascencia is offering a 6 month CD at 1.07% APY. Customers can avail this deal on a minimum deposit of $500. This is currently the best rate available nationally for this term. Aurora Bank and Nexity Bank too offer same CD rates for the same period; however, they require a higher … [Read more...]

Ascencia Paying 1.30% APY on 12 Month CDs

Louisville based PBI Bank’s online division Ascencia is paying 1.30% APY on 12 month CDs. This is with a minimum deposit of $500. This is currently the second best deal available nationally for the same period. The next best rate is 1.26% APY by the Bank of Internet USA. Its 12 … [Read more...]