Doral Bank Direct Paying 0.91% APY on 6 Month CDs

Doral Bank Direct, Puerto Rico is offering 0.91% APY on CDs for the 6 month term with a minimum deposit requirement of $1,000. Two banks that offer 0.80% APY for the 6 month term are Giant Bank and Colorado Federal Savings Bank. However, Discover Bank and ableBanking pay 0.75%APY … [Read more...]

Doral Bank Direct Paying 0.91% APY on 6 Month CDs

Doral Bank Direct, is offering 0.91% APY on CDs for the 6 month term with a minimum deposit of $1,000. Colorado Federal Savings Bank pays 0.80% APY with a minimum deposit of $5,000. Giant Bank and Ascencia Bank pay 0.80% APY and 0.78% APY respectively with a minimum deposit of … [Read more...]

Goldwater Bank Paying 0.91% APY on 3 Month CDs

Goldwater Bank’s rate on 3 month CDs is the best being offered nationally. You can earn 0.91% APY on the certificates of deposit if you have a deposit of at least $5,000. The next best rate on CDs for this term is from Hudson City Savings. It is paying 0.75% APY on a minimum … [Read more...]

Goldwater Bank Paying 0.91% APY on 3 Month CDs

The best rate being offered nationally on 3 month CDs is 0.91% APY, by Goldwater Bank. You will have to make a deposit of at least $5,000 to qualify for the yield. The rate is above the average rate - 0.16% APY - being paid nationally. A few other deals that the bank is offering … [Read more...]