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One day only Google Glass Sale, Tuesday April 15th starting at 6 a.m

Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) has finally decided to open the floodgates for the Google Glass. The catch? It is only for one day! On Tuesday April 15th from 6 a.m. anyone who wants to spend $1500 to get their very own Goggle Glass will have the opportunity to become a “Glass Explorer” as the first privileged few who have been testing the device have been dubbed.

There have been a lot of complaints from people who have been unable to get their hands on Google Glass and have had to sit on the sidelines hearing opinions on the device from people who are in the Explorer program. The tactic is a smart one by Goggle as it will generate a tremendous amount of hype around Google Glass. Even better from their perspective is that they will almost certainly instantly sell out of the limited supply available without have to lower the price by a single cent. This tactic basically creates the inverse of Black Friday.

Google has been quick to point out that there will only be a limited number of Goggle Glass available so presumably this will be a first come, first serve offer. As an additional enticement, the limited supply on offer on Tuesday will have the option for different colors of frame setting them apart from the ones currently being used by Explorers. Google says this is a direct result of feedback it has received from the testers.

The only potential fly in the ointment is the high cost of Google Glass. At $1,500 it is very expensive, and many will wait for the inevitable price drop that occurs with all types of new technology.

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