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Facebook is modifying their news feed algorithm again

Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) is modifying the organic results of its News Feed feature. According to Facebook, “The goal of News Feed is to show people the right content at the right time. To make this happen, we look at who and what people are connected to and how they interact with content — such as how often they click, share, read or comment — to determine what to show. ”

For any user that logs onto Facebook, there can be a potential of up to 1,500 News Feed items they can view at any given time. With more people posting, there appears to be a much larger competition growing to get on top of the News Feed results. However, it seems that Facebook is placing a priority on paid advertising. Facebook will be cutting organic reach to 1 percent or 2 percent.

Facebook issued this statement, “Over the past few months, we have been having conversations with clients about declining organic distribution in News Feed. This is largely due to more competition driven by more sharing.” Also, Facebook has been letting clients know that their regular status updates will be reaching fewer clients.

Facebook also asserts that they want to focus on quality. So, while Google wants to produce the best search results, Facebook appears to want to give results that provide more profits for the company. Facebook encourages users to continue to post engaging content, along with advertising, to help them reach the right people, more effectively.

Marketers have also noticed that their posts are being viewed by a decreasing percentage of users who have opted to read them. It seems that Facebook wants to keep the revenue flow strong and ensure that paying clients come first.

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