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Tim Cook’s Clever Plan to Hook Consumers on Apple Inc.

Tim Cook became the CEO of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) in the later part of the year 2012 and right after getting his post he started to make changes in the company’s executive ranks. Scott Forstall was asked to leave even though he had been working for Apple for a long time and he was one of Steve Job’s favorite employees. Although the changes made by Tim Cook might seem absurd to many but those who know Apple and have been following its growth would understand that the changes were indeed a requirement and proved to be fruitful for the company.

Tim Cook is of the opinion that because Apple is a company that makes everything using digital technology that a user might need or want to use, therefore all of Apple’s products should have some link with each other instead of coming out as independent products and apps. Apple offers all, from devices or products required by the customers to the operating system to empower the devices. Cook’s vision is different than his predecessor Steve Jobs and these changes can be seen in Apple’s products now.

Apple’s iPhones, tablets, computers and laptops as well as the operating systems that are required to run them are all related to each other. This collaboration of products gives its users a complete experience. The question is why does Apple do it? It’s actually a trap!

When most users start using one Apple product, they cannot switch to any other device or operating system and then they have no option but to use only Apple products that give the same user experience as the first Apple product the user used. The products work better when used together and it’s convenient for the users too. This integration makes switching from one Apple product to another smooth and easy; there are no compatibility issues and same quality features are present on every device.

Not too long ago Apple’s mobile and Mac’s system varied from each other, but with Yosemite they have become quite integrated much to the user’s relief. If you are familiar with the buttons on your mobile device then switching to Mac will not be a hassle at all.

All Apple Inc.’s products, like iPhone, Mac, iPad have almost the same appearance and same functionality. This makes it easier for users to get familiar with each product. You can upload data, transport pictures and even connect your Mac to the internet through your Phone.

This integration has become so smooth that the features or interface icons that are not related stand out and cause frustration. Although the differences are minute but it disrupts the flow that has become Apple’s trademark.

Other companies offer integration too, but not as effectively as Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). Most phones can share internet connections with computers and with Google users can sync their data with phones and computers; then there is the dropbox that lets you share files with ease, but the difference is that Apple has taken product integration to the next level.

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