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Apple Inc. Defends Credibility Amidst Celebrity Hacking Scandal

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has come under a lot of scrutiny ever since the security of iCloud accounts of certain celebrities was breached. These accounts contained controversial photos which have now leaked online and set the internet ablaze. This unfortunate yet serious incident has raised a lot of eyebrows on the credibility of Apple’s security.

The incident happened just a week before the launch of iPhone 6, their latest and premiere gadget. The celebrities who became victims of this security breach are Oscar winning actress Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and Kirsten Dunst. The list just doesn’t end there but a dozen more accounts were hacked containing sensitive personal data.

Apple pulled out their defense shield immediately claiming that it wasn’t their system that was breached in the privacy-searing hack.

Apple came out with a rather defensive statement on Tuesday in which they claimed that after rigorous hours of thorough investigation, the results suggested that none of Apple’s systems were breached through. They also stated that the breach was carried out on the basis of a specific targeted attack which is built upon user names, passwords and security questions- a common technique practiced by cybercriminals.

Apple Inc. has assured the public that they are working with law enforcement to identify the people involved and to bring a halt to such nefarious practices.

Apple has been in a hassle ever since the incident with the press and the customers plunging at them with both hands. Engineers are probing into the matter to get a hold of the people responsible.

Tech bloggers and media reports pointed out vulnerability in Apple’s find my iPhone feature on Apple’s iCloud storage device, which may be the loophole in Apple’s security however it is reported that the loophole has been stitched close ever since being pointed out.

The victims of this breach expressed their disappointment on the whole matter with Jennifer Lawrence’s representative deeming the incident “a flagrant violation of privacy”. However, they have showed faith in the inquiries launched by Apple and the authorities.

Meanwhile, fans of some celebrities have raised their voices on social media. Some of them criticized the celebrities themselves, blaming them of the fact that such controversial matter shouldn’t exist in the first place. Some of them took a humorous approach to the whole incident and claimed that the celebrities who are at the receiving end shouldn’t complain since they are the one who put the pictures online in the first place.

The statement released by Apple on Tuesday stated that the public should have faith in the Company as cybercrime isn’t a non-existing phenomenon. They have also urged the customers to use stronger, more complex and sophisticated passwords, along with ‘’2 step verification’’ procedure where an additional security layer consisting of a 4- digit code is used in synch with the user’s Apple ID.

Glaring at Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) will not solve the problem, and let’s be honest; it isn’t Apple’s fault in the first place. It wasn’t their security that was breached but the account itself because of feeble privacy measures on the individual’s fault. So, famous or not, the public should tend to their cyber privacy on their own rather than depending on the system’s privacy.

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